Diamond Dreams

Pressure and Timecoal hands

Squeeze the diamond

Out of us until…


Soul separates from the body

And we split Heaven wide open

Tapping the temporal keg

Cracking the celestial egg

Until angels fall.

hourglass sunsetThere is nothing stranger than

Angels spilling out and

Running all over the place–

The smell of hope and faith

Swells thick in the air,

White feathers floating everywhere.

Jesus waits to see us and

Greet us with a hug and a kiss.

When we are still lumps of coal

We dream of this.

When we cower closer to the stone

In the damp dark all alone

diamond in the dark


While we are waiting to be mined,

If only to be a thought in someone else’s mind,


We just want to be fine, not refined,

Dying to be set on fire,



All we need is a spark.


Still we glint in the low light of seams,

Hints of the diamonds

We are trying to be,

As the years stretch into centuries

We dream of this.


} end {


Jefferson Holbrook, received a Doctor of Science in Communications in 2001. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Arts in History as well as a Master of Arts in Organizational Management. He has published numerous essays, articles, poems, short stories and blogs. He is also the author of two collections of poetry. He lives in the southeastern United States.



My First Blog:      http://jbhpoetry.blogspot.com/

 Twitter:               @JeffersonHolbr1  @HolbrookLord

 IG:                        jefferson.holbrook

 Facebook:           facebook.com/jeffersonh

© Copyright 2022 Jefferson Brian Holbrook and Kingdom of the Son. All rights reserved.

New! Top Ten Things to Do to Make Next Year Your Worst Year Ever! Step 7: Negative Self Talk!

New! Top Ten Things to Do to Make Next Year Your Worst Year Ever! Step 7: Negative Self Talk!

by Jefferson Holbrook, DSC.

The highly anticipated, short-awaited next installment in the Top Ten Ways to Make Next Year Your Worst Year Ever! is finally HERE!!

Just a quick recap: As part of the Self-Help articles (Selfish-Helpless), we have so far learned 6 key ways to make next year Your Worst Year Ever!

  1. Complaining
  2. Blaming
  3. Procrastinating
  4. Holding Grudges
  5. Lying
  6. Don’t Volunteer!

Step Seven: Negative Self-Talk!

Jancee Dunn, in an article titled: “Negative Self-Talk: 9 Ways to Silence Your Inner Critic,” maintains that “A little self-criticism is a good thing: It can be a reality check that spurs you to be a better person.” She goes on to clarify that statement a bit further. “But there is a vast difference between ‘I need to work out more,’ which sparks your motivation, and ‘I’m a jiggly blob’.” (Article published 4/8/2013)

Maybe you are not normally too hard on yourself. Well, I’m here to help. If we actually only give ourselves constructively critical motivation, then there is not much chance we can leverage that self-dialogue to make next year Your Worst Year Ever!map

Being overly critical of ourselves is not something that you want to do just once in a while. Like many of the other things we have discussed since we began our journey to make next year Your Worst Year Ever!, consistency is the key. But how do we cultivate an overly critical spirit towards ourselves? Well, if you have the misfortune of partnering with someone in relationship that is self-absorbed, selfish, self-centered, and narcissistic, then you have already received a great example of taking criticism to unhealthy emotional extremes.


If you happen to be in a relationship, you should know that being critical of your partner is one of the single most destructive things you can do. If you don’t know this truth yet, then Denial is not just a river in Egypt. You will learn the veracity of this sooner or later. This will usually end things in a hurry, especially if you are adept at coupling constant criticism with a lack of encouragement. And, of course, this will get you well on your way to making next year Your Worst Year Ever!

Speak your horribleness into the universe, and the universe will work with you to bring about a horrible life!

As stated in previous entries, these things that you can do to train-wreck your year overlap some. You can use some in conjunction with each other. For instance, Complaining is useful when you are being too hard and demanding on those around you. Lying is a key component to negative self-talk, because there are so many things you should be saying to yourself negatively, and most of them will not actually be true! Lying to yourself about how good you are can be destructive because you can build yourself up and end up in situations in which you are destined to fail. On the flip side (“Side B” on the 90 minute cassette tape!) you can lie to yourself about how horrible you are, dumb, ugly, etc. And we will see how believing the worst about yourself can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Speak your horribleness into the universe, and the universe will work with you to bring about a horrible life!


Let’s “play the tape forward” as the therapists say, and see how it plays out. Being overly critical of others can isolate you and eventually lead to depression. But being overly, unnecessarily critical of yourself can eliminate the immediate need to be isolated. You can be depressed even sooner! And, let’s be honest, who wants to wait extra time to tip headlong into the black abyss of depression? Impatience is actually a virtue when you are working on making this year Your Worst Year Ever!

I Can’t Believe Anything I Say!

Engaging in negative self talk can provide a convenient short-cut to low self esteem and depression. But what if this does not come naturally to you? You might be saying, “But, Dr. Jefferson B. Holbrook, I am easy-going and only engage in constructive criticism with myself appropriate to whatever situation I find myself.” Again, I’m here to help.the_blob_poster

The following is a less-than-exhaustive list of possible things you can say to yourself. The first list is full of examples of what you can say to yourself regarding your looks. Using these statements can impact your mood, self-esteem, and keep you generally feeling bad about yourself:

  1. [I have to start out with the aforementioned…] “I am a jiggly blob.”
  2. I’m too skinny.
  3. My hair never looks good.
  4. My hair is too _______ (curly, straight, etc.)
  5. I am shaped like a potato.
  6. Nobody loves me.
  7. I am unlovable.
  8. I am super-ugly and will die alone.
  9. My fashion sense is completely wack.
  10. I am an asymmetrical freak of nature.


This next list involves your character and conduct more so than your looks. Bad habits and character defects are equally represented:

  1. I am late everywhere I go. I just can’t get it together.
  2. I am just so dumb.
  3. I am stupid.
  4. I never make the right decisions.
  5. I have so many regrets.
  6. I’ll never be happy. I deserve to be unhappy.
  7. I’ll always be this way.
  8. I’ll never get ahead.
  9. All those people who said I would never succeed, they were right!
  10. I never finish what I ….

Even if you think that there is nothing really wrong with you, you can begin to practice saying these statements to yourself. There is always room for improvement. The key is to leverage that ‘room for improvement’ by exaggerating your own deficiencies to yourself.


In the less than immortal words of Homer Simpson, “I am smart! I am smart! S.M.R.T., S.M.R.T., d’oh, no wait, S.M.A.R.T. I am smart!!” Yeah, um, not so much. You might be super dumb, but thinking you are smart, might at times actually work in your favor. There is definitely a place for ‘Delusions of Grandeur’ in making this year Your Worst Year Ever!


In conclusion, there is one commonality in all of these character traits we have thus far discussed. If you are serious about making next year Your Worst Year Ever!, then you need to be committed to becoming your own worst enemy. As always, feel free to leave a comment below indicating how your efforts are coming along to make next year Your Worst Year Ever!

Jefferson Holbrook, received a Doctor of Science in Communications in 2001. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Arts in History as well as a Master of Arts in Organizational Management. He has published numerous essays, articles, poems, short stories and blogs. He is also the author of two collections of poetry. He lives in the southeastern United States.



My First Blog:      http://jbhpoetry.blogspot.com/

Twitter:               @JeffersonHolbr1  @HolbrookLord

IG:                        jefferson.holbrook

Facebook:           facebook.com/jeffersonh

© Copyright 2022 Jefferson Brian Holbrook and Kingdom of the Son. All rights reserved.

New! Top Ten Things to Do to Make Next Year Your Worst Year Ever! Step 3: Blame!

New! Top Ten Things to Do to Make Next Year Your Worst Year Ever! Step 3: Blame!

by Jefferson Holbrook, DSC.

We learned in our first installment the importance of Complaining. There were even tips on how to complain, if you do not have much experience doing it and/or don’t come by it naturally. Then we learned how important Procrastination was in making next year your Worst Year Ever. We even discovered the keys to disguising procrastination and laziness as patience.

“It’s Not Me, It’s…Just Not Me!”

Now it’s time to get real. And by real, I mean honest. There’s a reason why you are not successful at relationships or at work or basically any area of your life, right? It’s someone else’s fault. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault.

Blame Pic

“Blame” is a really cool word. It can be either a verb or a noun! Dictionaries will tell us that as a verb, Blame means “to hold responsible; or, “to find fault with” someone or something else. As a noun, Blame is “an act of attributing fault.” Can you see where we’re going with this? Are lame blameyou as excited as I am?

We are all tempted at times to be envious of what other people have but to have the Worst Year Ever, we want to really kick that up a notch. It is very important for us to realize that if we don’t have the same level of success as someone else, it’s somehow actually their fault, or society’s, or our parents, or something.

Robert Kiyosaki once said: “When people are lame, they love to blame.” This is very true. Let me make one thing perfectly clear. You are lame. I am making the assumption that this is true because you are investing time and attention into reading this step by step how-to guide, learning how to make next year your worst year ever! And, given the fact that you are lame, it tracks that you would not accept responsibility for your own actions, especially those actions with deleterious results.

johnburroughs1Don’t get me wrong. There are apparently people out there in the world who want to have healthy mature relationships and make decisions that will drive their personal and professional success. Those people might possibly kinda sorta take ownership for their own actions. But that’s obviously not where we’re headed if we want to make this year our Worst Year Ever!

MF_over_Takodana_SWCTAnd, could we ask for a better role model for not taking ownership for our actions than the great Han Solo? The infamous intergalactic smuggler was known for saying “Hey, it’s not my fault!” with a slight sympathetic whine to his voice, whenever anything went wrong with his ship, the Millennium Falcon. In fact, he said this phrase again when he reprised his role in the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Han Solo makes it look easy, but this kind of thinking requires a great deal of mental agility. Whether you want to Blame it on the Rain, Blame it on the Night, or Blame it on the Boogie, not taking responsibility for your own actions is one key component in having a horrible year. Why? Because when you limp lifeless and hopeless into next year, you will want the trainwreck that was this year to not have been your fault at all. If you can manage to NOT take responsibility for any of your own actions, then you don’t have to worry about making any CHANGES to your behaviors. This is how bad actions become bad habits…and THAT is how you can use Blaming to make next year your Worst Year Ever! [I just dropped the mic after making that last very salient point… Trust me. It was really dramatic.]

mistake-human-blame-more-humanThere is literally nowhere that Blaming is more destructive than in relationships. If you want to drive away the good people in your life, you owe it to yourself to learn how to place blame squarely where it belongs. Mainly on anything or anyone that is not you.

In playing the blame game in relationships, sometimes we might need to remember that conversations and such happened a little (or a lot) differently than they actually happened in reality. Nothing escalates an argument like accusing the other person of doing or saying something they actually never did or said.

trump-listening-ap_imgIf you don’t have much experience in Blaming others, then that’s no problem at all. You can practice! Follow this easy exercise. Stand in front of a mirror. Arrange your face in a condescending scowl. (If you need help in determining just what a ‘condescending scowl’ is, please reference any photograph of Donald Trump.) Then repeat phrases such as “Oh, yeah?! Well, remember the time YOU forgot to start the dishwasher?!” You know, things like that. And, by all means, be creative. Make stuff up! Lying is nothing if not creative blaming.

Lying is nothing if not creative blaming.

Even though no one ever really wins the blame game,practicing the art of blaming leads to so much trouble and hard feelings, that it is definitely worth the effort. Which leads nicely into the 4th thing you should do to have the Worst Year Ever!

Next time, we will explore the oft misunderstood and underestimated art behind Holding Grudges!!

Jefferson Holbrook, received a Doctor of Science in Communications in 2001. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Arts in History as well as a Master of Arts in Organizational Management. He has published numerous essays, articles, poems, short stories and blogs. He is also the author of two collections of poetry. He lives in the southeastern United States.



My First Blog:      http://jbhpoetry.blogspot.com/

Twitter:               @JeffersonHolbr1  @HolbrookLord

IG:                        jefferson.holbrook

Facebook:           facebook.com/jeffersonh

© Copyright 2022 Jefferson Brian Holbrook and Kingdom of the Son. All rights reserved.